About Futureswell

At our core we are a storytelling platform and consultancy, serving a global ocean community.

Ocean conservation media for a better future.

Futureswell was born in 2020 out of a need for broad public engagement in ocean climate issues. We create pathways for everyone to get involved, no matter their background. Through modern media, we shift narratives for change by covering solutions, platforming diverse perspectives, and organizing digitally.

We also work in partnership with organization to develop programs, curate events, and advocate for solutions to leave a generational legacy for our ocean. Together, these two pillars of work invite people of all backgrounds to join the movement.

Our Agents of Change

FutureSwell was founded on the belief that conservation is for everyone, no matter their background, age, or profession. Our change-making approach falls into three primary categories.

  • We work with partners, organizations, and agencies to showcase the progress being made on the ground, to sustain hope and drive engagement in the future of the movement.

  • We believe that collective, community-based action is the most sustainable approach to long-term regeneration. We work to showcase the diversity of perspectives in the ocean climate movement and foster inclusive collectivism through our media, coalitions, and clients.

  • As part of broader coalitions, we support meaningful advocacy campaigns for our ocean, and build bridges for our online communities to participate.

Core Team

  • Carissa Cabrera

    Chief Executive Officer, Creative Director

  • Alex Filardo

    Chief Operations Officer, Lead Producer

  • Hannah Ment

    Marketing Manager, Graphic Designer

  • Joe Giglio

    Content Strategist, Producer

Publications & Press


How One Activist Started a Movement for Our Oceans

As an early supporter, Lenovo and their Innovator’s program has enabled our work through technology and a grant.

Oceanographic Mag

Saving Seals

It takes collaboration, creativity, and unwavering commitment to save a species from the brink of extinction.

Marine Debris Entanglement in Seabirds

Seabird Entanglement in Marine Debris and Fishing Gear in the Main Hawaiian Islands (2012 - 2020). 2020. 'Elepaio Journal of the Hawai'i Audobon Society. Hyrenbach, D. Elliott, L. Cabrera, C. Dauterman, K. Gelman, J. Siddiqui, A.

Apple News

Climate Activists Going Viral on Tiktok

An interview of Carissa Cabrera, on how social media’s newest platform Tiktok can be used as a communication tool for climate action.

Euro News

Exploiting People’s Eco-anxiety is dangerous: It’s up to climate communicators to fix things

An Op-Ed published by Abbie Richards, Alaina Wood, Carissa Cabrera

National Geographic

Learn about Our Oceans — Anytime, Anywhere

Coverage on our COVID-19 Educator’s Grant project, Ocean Connections.